Historic Courthouse - 8-4 Mon-Fri - 417-466-2662
Office of the Recorder of Deeds
Denise Massie
Historic Courthouse - Mt. Vernon, Mo. - 8-4 Mon-Fri - 417-466-2670
Property Fraud Notification is a free electronic notification service that alerts a subscriber via email when a document is recorded with their monitored criteria.
This service will not prevent fraud, but provides an early warning system to allow citizens to take appropriate action.
A recent "On Your Side" episode featured another way people are trying to make money off services that are already provided in the local recorder's office.
Fees for plats and surveys will be:
18x24 - $44 First page; $25 for each page thereafter
24x36 - $69 First page; $50 for each page thereafter
There is no charge for you to record your DD214 Discharge papers at your local Missouri Recorder of Deeds office. There are companies who may contact you to "help" you get these documents recorded for a fee anywhere from $79 to $119. DO NOT use these companies. They are charging you for a service that is free to you. Recording these documents ensures that you will always have a certified copy available to you to prove your service to our country. It is often required to receive benefits such as entrance to a veterans clinic or home. (RSMo 59.480). Download military discharge request
For marriage licenses, we recommend you arrive by 3 p.m.
Document requests: recordrequest@
Getting married?
By law, who can get married?
Blood relatives, down to and including first cousins,
MAY NOT marry under the laws of the State of Missouri. -
The law does not distinguish between residents and non-residents.
Applicants must be 18 or older to marry without parental consent. (RSMo 451.090: No recorder shall issue a license authorizing the marriage of any male or female under 16 years of age nor shall a license be issued authorizing the marriage of any male or female 21 years of age or older to a male or female under 18 years of age.)
How much does a marriage license cost?
The nonrefundable marriage license fee of $46 must be paid at the time you apply. Certified copies of your marriage license cost $9. We accept cash, check and credit cards. For credit cards, there is a $2 technology fee.
What information do I need to apply for a marriage license?
For identification, you will need your driver’s license, passport or visa. For the application form, you will need your full legal name, birth date, Social Security number, race, level of education and, if applicable, the date your last marriage ended. Both parties must sign an affidavit that all this information is true. Both parties must appear in person at the Recorder’s Office at the Historic Courthouse.
How soon do I need to get my license?
The marriage license is valid for 30 days from the date of issuance. It may be used anywhere within the state of Missouri.
What do I do with my marriage license?
You are responsible for delivering your marriage license to the person who is officiating at your marriage. This person must complete the license, have two witnesses sign it, and return it to the Recorder’s Office within 15 days after the wedding so that it can be recorded. It then remains on file permanently in the Recorder’s Office.
Who can conduct my wedding ceremony?
Marriages can be performed by a minister in good standing with any church or synagogue in Missouri. While any judge (including a municipal judge) may perform marriages, there presently are none in Lawrence County who perform marriages. There are no justices of the peace in Missouri.

Recording a document?
How long does it take to get
my recorded document back?
Documents will be returned by mail the same day they are recorded. You must provide a self-addressed stamped envelope.
How can I find out if there
is a lien on my property?
The responsibility of the Recorder’s Office is only to record documents that meet recording requirements, not to do individual record searches. You may search the records yourself, and we will be happy to assist you. However, be aware that this office is not the only office where liens are filed.
How can I find out if there
are easements on my property?
Most easements are shown on the plat on a recorded subdivision. They may also be shown on your deed. You may also search the indexes in the Recorder’s Office.
How do I change the name on my deed?
A new document must be prepared if you wish to make any changes to ownership on property. An attorney may assist you. The Recorder’s Office only records these documents; it does not prepare them.
Can I find a deed if I only have the address?
Since we index records only by name and year of purchase, you will need to contact the Assessor's Office for the name linked to that property.
Can I find the selling price on a piece of property at the Recorder's office?
No. The selling price of real estate is not required on recorded deeds.

Recorder of Deeds
P.O. Box 449
Mt. Vernon, MO 65712
417-466-2670 - fax 417-466-4995
The Office of RECORDER OF DEEDS serves an essential role in government. It maintains and preserves some of our community's most important records; these records are highly important to individuals and businesses. The Recorder of Deeds records and files documents of writing affecting real property or personal property, subdivision plats, federal and state tax liens, and other instruments of writing. The Recorder’s Office also issues marriage licenses. - From the Recorders' Association of Missouri