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Lawrence County launches central web site   Released 7-16





Lawrence County has a new central web site,


Visitors will find information on elections, paying taxes, road districts and general county information, among other topics.


It provides new access points for elections, the county clerk, county commission, recorder of deeds, public administrator, county treasurer and road districts. There are links to the previously existing web sites of the collector, assessor, sheriff, circuit clerk and health department.

In addition, an “About Lawrence County” section provides information on tax levies, population, history and links to communities. An employee portal connects county employees with information on benefits, notices and calendars.


Click a button on the home page and you can pay your taxes online, print your tax receipt and find out how to vote absentee.


Elsewhere in the site you’ll find a map that shows which road district you’re in and who serves on your road district commission. There is a link to the GIS maps maintained by the county assessor.


On the recorder of deeds’ page, you will find such things as what you need to take with you to get married and how to record a legal document. Through the treasurer’s page, you can determine if you have any money coming to you through Unclaimed Property.  The public administrator’s page outlines the functions of the office.


The tentative agenda for county commission meetings can be found, along with minutes and news releases.


Through the elections and county clerk’s pages, you’ll find information on voter registration, election schedules, election results, county financial statements and forms to apply as an election worker or request an absentee ballot.


For more information, contact Lawrence County Treasurer Kathy Fairchild, 417-466-2662.

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